Performing Partial Water Changes

Keeping your GloFish® healthy and happy involves regular partial water changes along with proper feeding. Performing partial water changes is essential to maintain a clean and safe environment for your fish. Follow these easy steps to ensure your tank stays in top condition:

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Initial Water Changes for New Tanks or New Fish:

    • Do a partial water change after two weeks.
    • Do another partial water change after four weeks.
    • After that, change 30% of the water every 30 days.
    • Remember, topping off evaporated water is not enough. Water changes are necessary to remove pollutants effectively.
  2. Monitor Your GloFish®:

    • Look for signs of poor water quality, like droopy or flat fins. If you see these signs, do an immediate water change.
  3. Performing a Partial Water Change:

    Step 1: Gather enough bottled water to replace about a third of your tank's volume. If you use tap water, treat it first with AquaSafe® Water Conditioner (included with your order) to remove harmful chemicals like chlorine.

    Step 2: Let the treated water sit until it reaches room temperature. Sudden temperature changes can harm your GloFish®.

    Step 3: Remove and discard about a third of the old tank water. Do not remove your GloFish® during this process to avoid stressing them.

    Step 4: Slowly add the new, treated water to your tank.

  4. If Water Remains Dirty:

    • If the water is still dirty after a water change, perform a second partial water change the next day. If the issue persists, check if you are overfeeding your fish or consider replacing the filter cartridge.

By following this guide, you can keep your GloFish® tank clean and your fish healthy. Performing partial water changes regularly is essential for a happy and vibrant aquarium.