Acclimating Your GloFish®
Welcome to Your GloFish® Set Up and Care Guide. Congratulations on your new GloFish® fluorescent fish! To help them adjust comfortably to their new home, follow these essential steps for optimal GloFish® fish care and setup.
When Your Fish Arrive
Step 1: Unbox your GloFish® fluorescent fish with care, ensuring to remove any heating or cooling packs.
Step 2: Each online order includes Tetra® AquaSafe® to condition your aquarium water. Add the enclosed Tetra AquaSafe as per instructions before introducing your fish.
Step 3: Acclimate your GloFish® fluorescent fish using this 25-minute method:
- Put the bag with your fish in your aquarium for 15 minutes.
- Carefully open the bag and add a little bit of water, up to one cup, from your aquarium into the bag with the fish.
- Wait for 5 minutes. Then do it again: add a little more water from your aquarium into the bag.
- Wait another 5 minutes.
- Finally, pour all the water and your fish from the bag into your aquarium.
Step 4: Monitor your GloFish® fluorescent fish. Look for signs of poor water quality, like droopy or flat fins. If you see these signs, do an immediate water change following these instructions. If there are no signs, do a partial water change after you've had them 2 weeks and 4 weeks.